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Where We Focus, Energy Flows! By Kenneth Nathan

I had solar panels installed on my roof this week. With the government rebate this will reduce my energy bills tremendously and save me money each quarter. How they work is when the sun shines onto a solar panel, energy from the sunlight is absorbed by the PV cells in the panel. This energy creates electrical charges that move in response to an internal electrical field in the cell, causing electricity to flow. How interesting this is because it resembles something I read a few years ago by Tony Robbins and that is, “where focus goes energy flows.” Just as the energy is absorbed by the sunlight into the PV cells (conversion of light into electricity) and causes the electricity to flow, the same is true in our own lives. Whatever we focus on grows! Our lives tend to be controlled by what we focus on. There are days when I’m so down in the dumps because of my thoughts and obviously that’s when I’m absorbing the wrong energy into my own body cells and that is known to cause some health issues even ulcers. What needs to change is a shift in my thinking. Some more absorption of light not darkness. I remember years ago reading the cure to this problem is called the P48 method, “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” Our minds are like solar panels. What we think is what energy we’re absorbing into our bodies and storing them there in our own PV cells. Our “Personal Volt Cells” I call it now! . What is stored in your “personal volt” is what you’ve allowed yourself to focus on pretty much. So instead of worrying and complaining of all that’s wrong in my life I started thanking God for all that’s right. Installing these solar panels will save me a lot of money on electricity bills each year but they’ve also taught me a new lesson and that is, A better quality of life requires a better way to think because “where we focus energy flows!” The only cure is the P48 method.


46You, Jeffrey Sarker, Gabrielle Conescu and 43 others

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